The Vision statement, Mission statement and the Core Values on which CRDO was founded are described as below:
Our Vision

Our vision is to create a world without discrimination, where every person has access to equal opportunities.
Equal opportunities to pursue their democratic rights unencumbered by their race, religion or gender.
Our Mission

To work for restoration of rights and development of the Chakmas of Arunachal Pradesh based on truth, trust and transparency in a peaceful, non-violent and democratic way.
Rights as basic as getting a Birth Certificate without hassle, Right to apply for a government job, PRC to prove residency to apply for a job, ST status, educational opportunities, health care, ration cards and access to PDS items, Restoration /re-appointment of Gaon Burah authority and inclusion in Panchayati Raj system, central /state government schemes like MGNREGA, PMJAY (CMAAY), etc.
Our Core Values

All our actions are guided by our core values of TRUTH, TRUST and TRANSPARENCY. Our struggle shall be non-violent and within the framework of the constitution of India. We strive to work for the welfare of all communities in general and the marginalized communities in particular.