In a significant event, CRDO led the Chakma team representing the Chakma tribe of Arunachal Pradesh at the 58th Bodo Sahitya Sabha annual conference held from 22 to 24th January 2019 at Daimalu, Gohpur. Assam.
It not only provided a great opportunity for us to show case our rich culture, tradition and heritage in front of lakhs of people who came and took part but also gave us the rare insight to witness such a grand cultural extravaganza unparalleled in scale and magnitude.
The participating tribes comprising the Bodos, Mishings, Nyishis, Deoris, Chakmas, Karbi, Adivasis, Nepalis and others inhabiting the Assam-Arunachal Pradesh border area spent 3 days of togetherness sharing bonhomie, inter-cultural exchanges and strong bonds of friendship. The superb dance performances by our cultural team left the audience spellbound.
Apart from giving us a very warm welcome and a place of pride amongst their special guests as a speaker, it was also good to be able to share our own thoughts and views on the “Demography, Language and Cultural Moorings of Chakma Tribe in Arunachal Pradesh – An overview” published in a Souvenir to commemorate the Annual Cultural Mega event.
However, the greatest attraction of all was the Chakma House where visitors kept thronging us even at midnight. The Exhibition Hall was not far behind in terms of maximum footfall, while drawing attention to audience queries on various pieces of art, craft, oral history, culture and literary discussions. It was a confluence of ideas and cultural amalgamation and our food stall provided an occasion for others to come and get a taste of our delicious traditional varieties of Bini peedey, saanyey peedey, vara peedey, sumoth goran and maach hola besides other delicacies.
Overall, it was a great success as we were given a very special treatment by the hosts which sent out a very strong message of unity and friendship between us. Though we have our own different identity, but we are one and united!